A Lesson For Fathers: Don’t Be Too Busy

Posted by on Jan 17, 2017 in Dadhood | No Comments

Don't Be Too Busy For Your Kids

You have probably heard the story about the guy on his deathbed who wished that he had spent less time on stuff and more time with those things that mattered. It’s probably not an actual event that happened and was written down as a story, but it is something that all too many have faced.

When you and I are dying, we won’t regret spending more money on our toys or hobbies. We won’t wish that we had spent more time working. We won’t wish that we had spent more time with those things that, really, are meaningless.

We will wish that we had spent more time with family and friends. There can never be too much of that.

Whether the story is true, or just a maxim with a good point, the point is clear. You and I need to make sure that we are not to busy for our kids. They are growing up, and one day, they won’t be there to enjoy like they are now. Take advantage of every moment.

Let me share an example from my own family. My boys are really, really into Minecraft right now. My two older boys both have a Kindle Fire, and they can spend hours working together to build empires n this virtual world. Last night, Jadon, who is eight, came to me and asked if he could show me his creation. He was excited to show it off, and wanted me to be the first to see it.

Now, we were in the middle of getting the kids to bed, especially the youngest ones. I had a couple of things left to do once they were all tucked in, and I didn’t really want to take the time to sit down and navigate through a virtual world for who knows how long. I just about said no, and told him to wait until the next morning.

But one look at the eager anticipation on his face made me set aside my agenda and let him walk me through his Minecraft world. He was like a proud homeowner showing off his new house to anyone who would pay attention. He had built a tower over here, and a dragon’s head over there (which looked remarkably like a dragon’s head!), and a whole lot of other stuff that he thought was very cool.

I didn’t think about it at the time, but upon reflecting upon it today, that was a pretty significant moment, and it could have turned one of two ways. If I had told him to wait, I would have communicated to him that I was too busy, and it would have placed another Minecraft brick in the wall between father and son. He could soon begin to think that I’m always to busy for him. I don’t want that.

On the other hand, taking the time to let him show me that was, in effect, me stating loud and clear, that I value him, and want to see what he enjoys. That simple five minute span of time communicated worlds of love to my son.

The point of all this is simple. Don’t be too busy for your kids. Make sure you take the time they need. Talk to them. Do things with them. Enjoy them. And if that means stepping outside of your comfort zone to do so, then do it! Your kids are worth it. My kids are worth it.

Take the time to make sure your relationships with your kids are solid. It means the world to them, and to us dads as well!

Be deliberate, Dad!

What do you do to remind yourself to not be too busy for your kids? How do you stay connected with them? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.