Take The Next Step! – 02.17.2017

Posted by on Feb 17, 2017 in Manhood | No Comments

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Taking the next step can be difficult. We tend to get into a rut so easily, and we miss the opportunity. Taking The Next Step is a weekly reminder to take action. Be deliberate about your manhood, and you relationships with your wife and kids. What do you need to do to become more of the man, the husband, the father that you were created to be?

Here is this week’s edition of Take The Next Step!

Take The Next Step!

Technology can be a very useful tool. We have access in the palm of our hand to the entire world practically. We can accomplish a lot with the devices we carry.

But we can also be sucked into them like a black hole sucks in light. Our cell phones, tablets, and laptops can take up all of our available time if we aren’t careful. They can prevent us from being present and intentional with our wives and kids.

My challenge to you this weekend is to shut it down. Put them away for the weekend. Show attention to what really matters. They’ll notice. And they’ll love it.

And, if you really want to have a great weekend, have the rest of your family shut their devices down as well. And then go do something as a family together. And have a great time doing it!

From Around The Web

Are You Addicted To Your Cell Phone? – “Research suggests the average person checks his or her smartphone 190 times per day.” What?! Do you know how many opportunities we are missing when we do that?

Cell Phone Fails – Sometimes our failures with our cell phones can be amusing…

25 Technology Free Activities – Here are a few creative ideas that you can use for a tech-free weekend. Give a couple a try and see how they go.

Parting Quote

Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or a daydream, to imagine something wonderful, because we’re too busy bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone. – Steven Spielberg

Be Deliberate, Men!