Take The Next Step! – 06.09.2017

Posted by on Jun 16, 2017 in Manhood | No Comments

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Taking the next step can be difficult. We tend to get into a rut so easily, and we miss the opportunity. Taking The Next Step is a weekly reminder to take action. Be deliberate about your manhood, and you relationships with your wife and kids. What do you need to do to become more of the man, the husband, the father that you were created to be?

Here is this week’s edition of Take The Next Step!

Take The Next Step!

It’s summer, and one of the biggest events in summer, at least in the life of a church, is Vacation Bible School. Our church’s VBS begins this weekend and runs all next week. We are hosting the Creation Truth Foundation this year for a full family event. CTF is an organization based out of the Oklahoma City area that is focused on presenting a biblical worldview of origins and the early chapters of biblical history in Genesis.

I have linked a video below, from YouTube, that gives a brief answer to a question on the age of the earth. Dr. Sharp, the founder of CTF, and Dr. Jackson give a credible, yet brief, answer to this often asked question.

I would encourage you, if you are close to my community (if you need to know where we are located, send me an email), come and hear CTF this week. If you are not close enough to do that, take your family and get involved in a VBS near you. Your kids will love it!

Do it, men!

From Around The Web

CTF And The Age Of The Earth – A CTF Short dealing with the age of the earth and carbon dating.

Creation Truth Foundation – The website for CTF. You might like to dig around their site and see all that they have to offer.

Institute For Creation Research – One of the leading organizations presenting a biblical worldview of our history and origins.

Parting Quote

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1

Be Deliberate, Men!