Take The Next Step! – 09.08.2017

Posted by on Sep 8, 2017 in Manhood | No Comments

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Taking the next step can be difficult. We tend to get into a rut so easily, and we miss the opportunity. Taking The Next Step is a weekly reminder to take action. Be deliberate about your manhood, and you relationships with your wife and kids. What do you need to do to become more of the man, the husband, the father that you were created to be?

Here is this week’s edition of Take The Next Step!

Take The Next Step!

For better or worse, I think texting is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. On the one hand, texting is concerning, both due to the lack of real communication that it replaces, and the dangers of texting while doing other things, such as driving. But on the other hand, it’s a great tool you can use.

For example, I just sent a text to my oldest daughter, who is in college, and let her know I was praying for her today while she was in class. That was a very encouraging moment in her morning, which was pretty stressful. You can use this tool to accomplish some great things.

Another thing you can do is text your wife every now and then to let her know that you love her. She could probably use an encouraging message to make her smile and brighten her day. You can be encouraging, or let her know you are praying, or even flirty and fun with a simple text message.

Stop right now and send your wife a text message. Let her know just how much you love her.

From Around The Web

Text Message Facts – Here are a few fun facts about text messages that you may or may not be aware of.

10 Texts To Send Your Wife In The Next 10 Days – Short on ideas? Here are ten texts you can use to encourage your wife for the next week and a half.

52 Things To Text Your Wife – Need a bigger challenge? Here’s a whole year’s worth of things to send to your wife via text message.

Parting Quote

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. – Mother Teresa

Be Deliberate, Men!