Taking Care Of The Temple

Posted by on Aug 3, 2015 in Dadhood | No Comments

Not too long ago, I shared that I was facing a few issues with my health. We thought it may be something with my heart. But the past three months have eliminated that particular worry.

What we discovered is that I have severe sleep apnea. And over the course of the last few weeks, I’ve had an oxygen sleep test at home, a sleep study at a sleep institute, and have had a prescription for a CPAP machine to help me breathe better while I sleep.

I began using this machine over the weekend. And one thing has become very clear:

I hate it!

I absolutely hate it. This thing clamps onto my face like something from Alien, and it sounds like Darth Vader (although more quietly than he ever breathed). If the mask isn’t on right, it blows air out around the bridge of my nose, drying out my eyes.

I can’t sleep comfortably, afraid I will wrap myself up in the hose, or pull the mask off my face, or something.

I’ve been told that it will take a few weeks to completely adjust to this new reality. I sure hope that happens quickly, because I cannot even begin to imagine sleeping the way I have been for the past few nights for the unforeseeable future!

But you know what? I will continue to wear it. I will continue to try to get used to this contraption. Because it will help me take care of myself, and keep me around longer for my family.

Because they need me to be there as a dad and as a husband a whole lot more than I need to be comfortable as I sleep. And I know, logically, that I will eventually get used to it.

And so I remind myself, even as I dread placing this thing on my head at night, that I’m doing it so that I can feel better and have more time, and more quality of that time, with my wife and kids. Because they need me.

And so I must take care of the temple, so that I can fulfill the role that God has given me to the best of my ability.

And so do you.

Your kids and wife need you, dad! You need to make sure that you are taking the proper care of your body in order to ensure that that you are as healthy and energetic as you can possibly for as long as God leaves you here. Your family needs you to be healthy!

And so, you and I need to care for this body we’ve been given as best we can.

Our family depends on us!

Be deliberate, Dad!

What do you do to care for yourself and stay healthy and fit? You can leave your thoughts in the comments by clicking here.