The Fireworks

Posted by on Jul 3, 2017 in Husbands | No Comments


Tomorrow is Independence Day in the US. And we typically celebrate with fireworks and blowing things up. It is a tradition that goes back a long way, so we have a great tradition, and a great reason to continue it.

But what about those other fireworks? Do you remember those? You know, the ones that you experienced when you were dating or courting your wife? You remember them. Those fireworks exploded the first time you kissed her. You saw them every time you touched and held her hand. You might have even seen a glimmer of them when your eyes met across a crowded room.

Those early days of our relationships saw a lot of fireworks. Big ones. Bright ones. Elaborately exploding across our vision of love.

But as the years passed, those fireworks might have faded. If they have, maybe it’s time you sparked a few off again.

Oh, I know. It’s easy to let that slide, because there are kids to raise, events to go to, homework to do, swimming lessons, church events, dished and laundry, dinner to fix, yards to mow, and the list could go on and on.

But just because we get busy is no excuse for letting the fireworks fade.

So this week, with the holiday, and maybe an extra day off, see if you can create a few fireworks. And I don’t mean just in the bedroom. Find a way to see that spark of love in your wife’s eye. Maybe it’s by helping with the dishes. It might be when you read a book to the kids and she sees you doing it. It might be a rose or a box of chocolates.

If those fireworks have faded over the years, it’s time to set off a few new ones. And you don’t have to start off with the huge ones. Sure they are pretty, but they are big. And life is full of smaller things, day to day things, sparkler-like things.

So maybe it’s time to buy some sparklers.

Be deliberate, husbands!

How are the fireworks in your marriage? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.